Serving the needs of many qualified students who dream of earning a college degree

Bridge to Success

Oregon State University’s Bridge to Success program has served more than 20,000 students since 2008. The OSU Bridge to Success program continues to evolve to better serve the needs of many qualified students who dream of earning a college degree through OSU, at either our campus in Corvallis, or at OSU-Cascades in Bend, OR.  New students who join the program in Fall 2024 will benefit from the following perks:

Financial Benefits

  • Bridge to Success participants receive financial support in the form of OSU Scholarships and Grants from various sources that cover the cost of basic tuition and fees at OSU*
  • Offer of on-campus student employment for qualified applicants 
  • Eligibility to waive the $200 Advanced Tuition Deposit (ATD) needed to confirm their enrollment

Housing and Dining Benefits

  • Access to most affordable on-campus housing options
  • Economical dining plan options in our dining halls

Academic Benefits

To be considered, a new student must meet the following criteria:

  • Oregon resident
  • At least a 3.40 unweighted, cumulative high school GPA
  • On-time applicant (submitted application by February 3rd with required documents submitted by February 15th)
  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) submitted by OSU's February 28th deadline
  • Pell Grant eligible and anticipated to qualify for the Oregon Opportunity Grant (state need-based grant)
  • New students selected for Bridge to Success are notified via Beaver Basecamp (admitted student portal) and by email.  Notifications will begin in mid-March after financial aid offers have been sent out.

*Subject to available funds

Are you an OSU-Cascades student?  Visit their FAQ/Next Steps page!

Bridge to Success FAQ

OSU will be notifying you through your Beaver Basecamp of your financial aid offer which will reflect any support being offered to you.  This support may come in the way of a various OSU-based scholarships and grants in addition to your expected Pell Grant and Oregon Opportunity Grant.  The total of these awards is designed to at least cover the cost of basic tuition and fees at OSU in a given year.  You should review your financial aid offer letter carefully and accept the offers online by May 1.  You will receive a separate communication from OSU introducing you to the Bridge to Success program and its additional benefits.

NOTE:  Your financial aid offer letter will spell out an estimated cost of attendance that includes any grants or scholarships awarded as part of your Bridge to Success eligibility.  The cost of attendance does not account for savings you may enjoy by choosing economy housing and dining costs.

Confirm your enrollment in Beaver Basecamp.  Once you have been selected as a participant in Bridge to Success, the confirmation form will recognize that you qualify for the waiver and you'll be encouraged to submit the request for waiver.

Through Bridge to Success, OSU will offer you on-campus employment for qualified applicants (for a particular job). However, students must apply for OSU to know you wish to work.

You will access your housing and dining application through Beaver Basecamp.  In the application, you will use your student ID number (93XXXXXXX).  When you get to the 'Living Preferences' section, you will select three choices.  Select, 'Triple', 'Economy Triple' and 'Quad' as your options for the most economical choices.  If you need help with the application, check out these videos.   

To select the most economical dining plan option, choose Dining Plan #4.  Learn more about our 'Make Sense' meals and other nutritional information.

You can log in via the housing portal and make changes to the preferences in your application until June 30, 2024. If you need assistance, contact University Housing and Dining Services:

  • Email us
  • Call University Housing and Dining Services at 541.737.4771.

To participate in the mentorship program (Beaver Connect), students will need to apply on the website. You will be matched with a faculty mentor in the summer prior to your enrollment, at which point you will receive more information and hear from your mentor.

As a Bridge to Success student, you will be connected with advising resources through your academic college or the University Exploratory Studies Program.  This will take place as part of our summer orientation program and advising process.