Baccalaureate Core Course Equivalencies for Warner Pacific University - OSU Sort
The items on this page may show up on any of the Articulation or Baccalaureate Core tables as well as the Single Course Search Tool.
LDT (lower division transfer): When there is no class at OSU that is equivalent to a lower-division transfer course, it is given the designation of LDT. This means it transfers, but may count as an elective or something else as determined by your advisor.
UDT (upper division transfer): When there is no class at OSU that is equivalent to an upper-division transfer course, it is given the designation of UDT. This means it transfers, but may count as an elective or something else as determined by your advisor.
LD: Some lower-division transfer courses may be equated to upper-division OSU courses and the credits will be regarded as lower-division, and will not count toward the required 60 upper-division credits.
UD: Some upper-division transfer courses may be equated to lower-division OSU courses, the credits will be regarded as upper-division.
BI LD1*: courses are considered to be taught at the nonmajors level at OSU. These courses are similar to OSU's BI 101, 102 and 103 courses though they do not match any single course closely enough to be articulated as such. Any LD1* course that is NOT taught online will fulfill a Biological Science (with lab) requirement of the Baccalaureate Core - see the Baccalaureate Core list for details. Online courses are not approved as equivalent, particularly related to the laboratory science requirement in the Baccalaureate Core. If any part of a course is taught online, the online laboratory and other content would need to be reviewed separately for approval. If the lecture and lab are taught as separate courses, both must be completed for a biological science baccalaureate core requirement to be fulfilled. If you have additional questions about how LD1* courses count in a specific major, please contact your major advisor or Brock McLeod, Chief Advisor for Biology, at [email protected].
BI LD2*: courses are considered to be taught at the science majors level at OSU. These courses are similar to OSU's BI 211, 212 and 213 courses though they do not match any single course closely enough to be articulated as such. Any one LD2* course that is NOT taught online will fulfill a Biological Science (with lab) requirement of the Baccalaureate Core - see the Baccalaureate Core for details. Online courses are not approved as equivalent, particularly related to the laboratory science requirement in the Baccalaureate Core. If any part of a course or series is taught online, it would need to be reviewed to be approved. If the lecture and lab are taught as separate courses, both must be completed for a biological science baccalaureate core requirement to be fulfilled. Students who need to complete the entire BI 211, 212, 213 series as part of their major at OSU should complete the entire sequence before transferring or wait to take the sequence at OSU If you have additional questions about how LD2* courses count in a specific major, please contact your major advisor or Brock McLeod, Chief Advisor for Biology, at [email protected].
An asterisk (*): indicates the course meets a Baccalaureate Core (Bacc Core) requirement. Following is a listing of the Bacc Core areas that you may see on your report. If a course is articulated equivalent to an OSU course, use the online general catalog to determine which Bacc Core requirements will be met.
*W1 = Writing I
*W2 = Writing II
*W3 = Writing III
*MA = Mathematics
*FT = Fitness
*PS = Physical Science
*BS = Biological Science
*WC = Western Culture
*CD = Cultural Diversity
*LA = Literature & Arts
*SI = Social Processes & Institutions
*DP = Difference, Power & Discrimination
Writing I Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EN 101 COMPOSITION WR 121 *ENGLISH COMPOSITION EN 103 WRITTEN COMMUNICATION II WR 121 *ENGLISH COMPOSITION EN 103A WRITTEN COMMUNICATION II WR 121 *ENGLISH COMPOSITION EN 111 COMPOSITION & RSRCH I WR 121 *ENGLISH COMPOSITION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writing II Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUS 260 ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION WR 214 *WRITING IN BUSINESS EN 200 COLLEGE COMPOSITIOIN WR 222 *ENGLISH COMPOSITION EN 200A COLLEGE COMPOSITIOIN WR 222 *ENGLISH COMPOSITION EN 112 COMPOSITION & RSRCH II WR LDT *W2: COMPOSITION & RSRCH II EN 150 CREATIVE WRTG: POETRY/FICTION WR LDT *W2: CREATIVE WRTG:POETRY/FIC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writing III Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMM 200 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS COMM 218 *INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION COMM 200A INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS COMM 218 *INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION CED 215 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION COMM 218 *INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SA 210 FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH COMM LDT *W3: FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mathematics Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MA 104 MATH CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS MTH 105 *INTRO TO CONTEMPORARY MATH MA 111 COLLEGE ALGEBRA MTH 111 *COLLEGE ALGEBRA MA 112 TRIG AND ALGEBRAIC CONCEPTS MTH 112 *ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS MA 115 PRECALCULUS MTH 112 *ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS MA 211 MATH FOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION MTH 211 *FOUNDATIONS OF ELEMENTARY MTH MA 251 CALCULUS I MTH 251 *DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fitness Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HHK 150 PERSONAL HEALTH AND FITNESS HHS 231 *LIFETIME FITNESS FOR HEALTH --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perspectives Courses Physical Science Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHS 111 INTRO TO CHEMISTRY WITH LAB CH LDT *PS: INTRO TO CHEMISTRY W/LAB PHS 112 INTRO TO CHEMISTRY WITH LAB CH LDT *PS: INTRO TO CHEMISTRY W LAB PHS 211 GEN CHEM W/LAB CH LDT *PS: GEN CHEM W/LAB PHS 212 GEN CHEM W/LAB CH LDT *PS: GEN CHEM W/LAB PHS 230 GEOLOGY WITH LAB GEO 101 *THE SOLID EARTH PHS 221 GENERAL PHYSICS W/LAB PH 201 *GENERAL PHYSICS PHS 101 INTRO TO PHYS SCI PH LDT *PS: INTRO TO PHYS SCI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biological Science Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIO 101 GENERAL BIOLOGY I W/LAB BI LD2 *BS: GENERAL BIOLOGY I W/LAB BIO 102 GENERAL BIOLOGY II W/LAB BI LD2 *BS: GENERAL BIOLOGY II W/LAB --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Western Culture Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BI 151 BIBLE AS LITERATURE ENG 275 *THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE BI 151A THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE ENG 275 *THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE HIS 201 HISTORY OF US HST LDT *WC: HISTORY OF US HIS 211 SURVEY OF WORLD HISTORY HST LDT *WC: SURVEY OF WORLD HISTORY HIS 301 AMERICAN THOUGHT AND CULTURE HST UDT *WC: AMERICAN THOUGHT & CULTU PHIL 201 INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY PHL 201 *INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY REL 291A REL&PHIL FNDN-ETHICAL PRACTICE PHL 205 *ETHICS SRM 250 SPORTS ETHICS PHL LDT *WC: SPORTS ETHICS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cultural Diversity Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIS 212 SURVEY OF WORLD HISTORY HST LDT *CD: SURVEY OF WORLD HISTORY REL 310 RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD PHL 160 *UD: QUEST MEANING: WORLD REL SOC 310 RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD PHL 160 *UD:QUEST FOR MEANING:WRLD REL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Literature and the Arts Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FA 200 INTRODUCTION TO THE ARTS ELEC LDT *LA: INTRODUCTION TO THE ARTS FA 200A INTRODUCTION TO THE ARTS ELEC LDT *LA: INTRODUCTION TO THE ARTS EN 120 INTRO TO LIT ENG LDT *LA: INTRO TO LIT EN 120A INTRO TO LIT ENG LDT *LA: INTRO TO LIT EN 220 UNDERSTANDING DRAMA & FORMS ENG LDT *LA: UNDRSTDNG DRAMA & FRMS EN 230 UNDERSTANDING FICTION ENG LDT *LA: UNDERSTANDING FICTION MUS 241 INTRO TO MUSIC LITERATURE MUS LDT *LA: INTRO TO MUSIC LITERATURE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Processes and Institutions Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SS 250 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY ANTH 110 *INTRO TO CULTURAL ANTH EC 203 ECONOMICS EC LDT *SI: ECONOMICS EC 201 PRIN OF ECONOMICS: M1CROECON ECON 201 *INTRO TO MICROECONOMICS EC 202 PRIN OF ECONOMICS: MACROECON ECON 202 *INTRO TO MACROECONOMICS HD 320 HUMAN SEXUALITY HDFS UDT *SI: HUMAN SEXUALITY PS 140 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT PS 201 *INTRO TO US GOVT & POLITICS PSY 140 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY PSY LDT *SI: GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY PSY 141 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY PSY LDT *SI: GENERAL PSYCH SOC 140 PRINCIPLES OF SOCIOLOGY SOC 204 *INTRO TO SOCIOLOGY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difference Power and Discrimination Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIS 202 HISTORY OF THE US HST 203 *HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES SOC 280 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY SOC LDT *DP: MARRIAGE AND FAMILY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------