Baccalaureate Core Course Articulations for Reed College
- For OSU General Education requirements visit OSU Baccalaureate Core or Core Education.
- If you attend an Oregon community college, check our detailed course list for your school.
- For admission info or general transfer student information, visit our Transfer Student page.
Course Designations:
- LDT/LDU/UDT/UDU: Lower/Upper Division Transfer with no direct OSU course number
- NAT/NAT 000/NAT DEV/NAT CTE: Not Accepted in Transfer
Up to 12 credits of CTE courses may transfer and will appear on an Advanced Standing Report as “0000 AR2A”. Some courses may require completion of additional courses to fulfill specific articulations or Bacc Core/Core Education categories. Science courses will only apply toward Baccalaureate Core/Core Education if they include both lecture and lab.
Baccalaureate Core Requirement
An asterisk (*) preceding the OSU evaluation title indicates the course meets a Baccalaureate Core requirement.
For students admitted Spring 2025 and earlier only.
*W1 = Writing I
*W2 = Writing II
*W3 = Speech
*MA = Mathematics
*FT = Fitness
*PS = Physical Science
*BS = Biological Science
*WC = Western Culture
*CD = Cultural Diversity
*LA = Literature & Arts
*SI = Social Processes & Institutions
*GI = Contemporary Global Issues
*ST = Science, Technology and Society
*DP = Difference, Power & Discrimination
Core Education Requirement
A plus sign (+) preceding the OSU evaluation title indicates the course meets a Core Education requirement.
For students starting Summer 2025 and later.
Foundational Core:
+WF = Writing Foundations
+AH = Arts & Humanities: General
+GH = Arts & Humanities: Global
+CM = Communication, Media, and Society
+DF = Difference, Power and Oppression: Foundations
+QL = Quantitative Literacy and Analysis
+SA = Scientific Inquiry and Analysis
+SO = Social Science
Signature Core:
+DA = Difference, Power and Oppression: Advanced
+C1 = Beyond OSU I (Prepare)
+C2 = Beyond OSU II (Engage)
+SE = Seeking Solutions
+WE = Writing Elevation
Perspectives Courses Physical Science Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEM 101 MOLECULAR STRUCTURE & PROP CH 231 GENERAL CHEMISTRY AND CH 261 *LABORATORY FOR CHEMISTRY 231 CHEM 102 CHEMICAL REACTIVITY CH 233 GENERAL CHEMISTRY AND CH 263 *LABORATORY FOR CHEMISTRY 233 PHYS 100 GENERAL PHYSICS I PH 211 *GENERAL PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS AND PH 212 *GENERAL PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS AND PH 213 *GENERAL PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS PHYS 102 GENERAL PHYSICS II PH LDT *PS: GENERAL PHYSICS II PHYS 200 GENERAL PHYSICS II PH 211 *GENERAL PHYSICS W/CALCULUS AND PH 212 *GENERAL PHYSICS W/CALCULUS AND PH 213 *GENERAL PHYSICS W/CALCULUS PHYS 202 MODERN PHYSICS PH LDT *PS: MODERN PHYSICS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biological Science Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOL 101 TOPICS IN BIOLOGY I BI LD2 *BS: TOPICS IN BIOLOGY I BIOL 102 TOPICS IN BIOLOGY II BI LD2 *BS: TOPICS IN BIOLOGY II --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Western Culture Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIST 310 WATER AND THE AMERICAN WEST HST UDT *WC: WATER AND THE AMERICAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cultural Diversity Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRES 286 HIST IMMIGRATN/MIGRATION IN US HST LDT *CD: HIST IMMIG/MIGRATN IN US HUM 231 EARLY IMP CHINA: QIN-HAN UNIF HST LDT *CD: EARLY IMP CHINA: QIN-HAN HUM 232 MID IMP CHINA: GREAT SONG TRAD HST LDT *CD: MID IMP CHNA: GRT SNG TRD LITC 346 SCREENING POST-SOCIALIST CHINA ENG UDT *CD: SCREEN POST-SOCLST CHINA REL 131 INTRO TO HINDUISM REL 213 *INTRO TO HINDU TRADITIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Literature and the Arts Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ART 313 ART&LIFE-RENAISSANCE FLORENCE ART UDT *LA:ART&LIFE-RENAISSANCE FLORE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Processes and Institutions Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECON 213 INTRO TO ECON (MACRO) ECON 202 *INTRO TO MACROECONOMICS HIST 363 AMERICAN SOCIAL REFORM HST UDT *SI: AMERICAN SOCIAL REFORM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------