Baccalaureate Core Course Articulations for Bushnell University
- For OSU General Education requirements visit OSU Baccalaureate Core or Core Education.
- If you attend an Oregon community college, check our detailed course list for your school.
- For admission info or general transfer student information, visit our Transfer Student page.
Course Designations:
- LDT/LDU/UDT/UDU: Lower/Upper Division Transfer with no direct OSU course number
- NAT/NAT 000/NAT DEV/NAT CTE: Not Accepted in Transfer
Up to 12 credits of CTE courses may transfer and will appear on an Advanced Standing Report as “0000 AR2A”. Some courses may require completion of additional courses to fulfill specific articulations or Bacc Core/Core Education categories. Science courses will only apply toward Baccalaureate Core/Core Education if they include both lecture and lab.
Baccalaureate Core Requirement
An asterisk (*) preceding the OSU evaluation title indicates the course meets a Baccalaureate Core requirement.
For students admitted Spring 2025 and earlier only.
*W1 = Writing I
*W2 = Writing II
*W3 = Speech
*MA = Mathematics
*FT = Fitness
*PS = Physical Science
*BS = Biological Science
*WC = Western Culture
*CD = Cultural Diversity
*LA = Literature & Arts
*SI = Social Processes & Institutions
*GI = Contemporary Global Issues
*ST = Science, Technology and Society
*DP = Difference, Power & Discrimination
Core Education Requirement
A plus sign (+) preceding the OSU evaluation title indicates the course meets a Core Education requirement.
For students starting Summer 2025 and later.
Foundational Core:
+WF = Writing Foundations
+AH = Arts & Humanities: General
+GH = Arts & Humanities: Global
+CM = Communication, Media, and Society
+DF = Difference, Power and Oppression: Foundations
+QL = Quantitative Literacy and Analysis
+SA = Scientific Inquiry and Analysis
+SO = Social Science
Signature Core:
+DA = Difference, Power and Oppression: Advanced
+C1 = Beyond OSU I (Prepare)
+C2 = Beyond OSU II (Engage)
+SE = Seeking Solutions
+WE = Writing Elevation
Writing I Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR 121 ENGLISH COMPOSITION WR 121 *ENGLISH COMPOSITION WR 151 HONORS GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION WR 121 *ENGLISH COMPOSITION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writing II Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR 123 ENGLISH COMPOSITION WR LDT *W2: ENGLISH COMPOSITION WR 152 HONORS RESEARCH SKILLS WR 222 *ENGLISH COMPOSITION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writing III Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMM 212 PUBLIC SPEAKING COMM 111 *PUBLIC SPEAKING COMM 213 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION COMM 218 *INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mathematics Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MATH 251 CALCULUS I MTH 251 *DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perspectives Courses Physical Science Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASTR 101L INTRODUCTORY ASTRONOMY LAB PH LDT *PS: INTRO ASTRONOMY LAB BIOL 111L PRINC OF LIVING ORGANISMS LAB BI LDT *BS: PRIN OF LIVING ORGANI LAB CHEM 121L GENERAL AND ORGANIC CHEM LAB CH LDT *PS: GEN AND ORGANIC CHEM LAB CHEM 122L ORGANIC AND BIOCHEMISTRY LAB CH LDT *PS: ORGANIC AND BIOCHEM LAB PHYS 110-B FUND OF PHYSICS PH LDT *PS: FUND OF PHYSICS PHYS 110L INTRODUCTION TO MECHANICS LAB PH LDT *PS: INTRODUCTION TO MECHAN PHYS 202L INTRO ELECTROMAGNETISM LAB PH LDT *PS: INTRO ELECTROMAGNETISM LA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biological Science Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOL 112L PRIN OF BIODIVERSITY LAB BI LDT *BS: PRIN BIODIVERS LAB BIOL 200L GENERAL BIOLOGY LAB BI LDT *BS: GENERAL BIOLOGY LAB BIOL 205L BIODIVERSITY LAB BI LDT *BS: BIODIVERSITY LAB BIOL 230 INTRO MICROBIOLOGY (LAB) MB LDT *BS: INTRO MICROBIOLOGY (LAB) BIOL 330L INTRODUCTORY MICROBIOLOGY LAB MB UDT *BS: INTRO MICROBIOLOGY LAB --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Western Culture Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BTH 324 HISTORY OF THEOLOGY PHL 301 *HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY ENG 302 SURVEY OF BRITISH LITERATURE ENG UDT *LA: SURVEY OF BRITISH LIT HIST 151 HIST OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION I HST 101 *HISTORY WESTERN CIVILIZATION HIST 152 HIST WESTERN CIVILIZATIONS II HST 103 *HISTORY WESTERN CIVILIZATION HIST 334 COLONIAL & REVOLUTIONARY AMER HST UDT *WC: COLONIAL/REVOLUTNRY AMER HIST 350 AMERICAN PUBLIC DISCOURSE HST UDT *WC: AMERICAN PUBLIC DISCOURS PHL 205 ETHICS PHL 205 *ETHICS PHL 301 INTRO HIST OF PHILOS PHL 301 *HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY PHL 302 INTRO HIST OF PHILOS PHL 303 *HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY PHL 305 ETHICS PHL UDT *WC: ETHICS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Literature and the Arts Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENG 220 INTRODUCTION TO FICTION ENG 104Z *INTRODUCTION TO FICTION ENG 301 SURVEY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE ENG 253 *UD: SURV AMER LIT: COLONI-ROM ENG 302 SURVEY OF BRITISH LITERATURE ENG UDT *LA: SURVEY OF BRITISH LIT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Processes and Institutions Transfer Course OSU Equivalent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTH 210 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY ANTH LDT *SI: CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY ECON 201 MICROECONOMICS ECON 201 *INTRO TO MICROECONOMICS ECON 202 MACROECONOMICS ECON 202 *INTRO TO MACROECONOMICS SOC 200 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY SOC 204 *INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------